Enet Computer and Network Usage Policies

Violation of any of the below policies may result in temporary deactivation of your account, and/or your computer. Repeated violations may warrant permanent deactivation (as well as other consequences).

You must immediately report any Compromise of
University Private Data (see: https://policy.umn.edu/it/dataclassification-appa )
Using the procedures listed
here ( https://policy.umn.edu/it/securitybreach ).

You should also read and understand these University of Minnesota Policies:

University policies apply to your use of all computers (including your own) connected to University Networks, Univerisity Computing Facilities, and ALL University Networks.

University Information Technology Policies Page: policy.umn.edu/it/

How to Secure your computer: safecomputing.umn.edu

More security information:
University Information Security Awareness: it.umn.edu/information-security-awareness-topics

AEM Users, should also see:
AEM Computer Policies

AkerH 120 Users, should also see:
Enet Computer Lab Policies

Copyrights and Software Licenses

All Software is Copyrighted (as are Fonts/TypeFaces).
SEE: copyright.gov - DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) summary

WARNING: Only people in fairly high positions (Department Head or above) have the authority to accept software licenses for the University (or for use on University owned computers).
See: OGC Policy on Contracts

Free only means you don't have to pay for it if you use it within the guidelines of the EULA/License (many times this is restricted to personal use only - Installation on a University Computer is NOT personal use).

Use of ANY Software (or Font) outside of the restrictions of the license agreement is a Copyright Violation (a very serious issue).
All Free software has a license agreement or EULA (End User License Agreement) which you must adhere to to avoid Copyright infringement.

WARNING: Even the Free Software Foundation will enforce and protect their licenses.

Sharing of Accounts

Sharing of accounts and/or passwords is strictly forbidden, and is grounds for immediate and permanent deactiviation of your account. This applies to relatives, spouses, coworkers, supervisors, assistants, and anyone else you might think of giving access to (including Enet Staff and 1-HELP and services such as Google, Linked-in, Facebook, etc.).

WARNING: Using someone else's account or asking for their password is also a violation of this rule (and University Policy) and may subject your own account to closure.

If anyone gives you a password (or access) to an account here (including a UofM account) - you should notify Enet immediately (DO NOT tell Enet the password - just that you have been give the password to so-and-so's account).

Note that your University Internet account allows access to private information (your social security number, full name, date of birth, and bank account info through human resources) and you risk identity theft if anyone should get hold of it. It is strongly suggested that you DO NOT use your UofM Internet/AD password as a password for anything else (not even for your accounts with Enet).

Note: Leaving an un-attended Computer Logged in and Unlocked is account sharing (with anyone who walks by).
Please contact Enet if you see this.
Locked doors are not an excuse to leave a Computer unlocked.

Computers Must be Registered

All AEM/ME University Owned Computers, Laptops and network devices MUST be REGISTERED with Enet
(even if they will never connect to the network, or will only use wireless).
Enet will not help you with Software or configuration until the Computer is properly REGISTERED with Enet

Connecting Computers

Do NOT connect any device to any network jack Enet controls (AkerH, many rooms in ShepLabs and others) without first consulting Enet.
All Jacks are assigned. If you aren't sure, send Enet an e-mail and ask.

Attempting to connect to any port assigned to another machine constitutes a serious breach of security and is grounds for immediate account closure and loss of ANY AND ALL network privileges for the person(s) and machine(s) involved.

If you need to connect a computer, Contact Enet and include the room you wish to connect it in.
Enet will let you know what you need to do from there.
or, see: Connecting a Computer to the Enet Network.

Only University Owned Equipment REGISTERED with Enet may be connected to the wired network jacks in the building.
UNIVERSITY POLICY - All University Owned Computers MUST be security run - this is mostly handled by attaching them to AD.
We will request all new machines to be attached to University of Minnesota Active Directory immediately after they are given network access.

Routers and Access Points (network sharing)

Attaching a machine (or device) acting as a router or switch or bridge is forbidden on ANY University Network - This also includes any device which allows network sharing or wireless access to the network. ONLY OIT may provide Wireless network access on campus.

Running of Servers

The running of server programs (Remote Desktop/Login services, ICQ Servers, KAZAA, eDONKEY, Gnutella, most Music Sharing Software, Web Servers, FTP Servers, License Servers, File Servers, Print Servers, and many others; e.g. ANY PROGRAM THAT SUPPLIES a connection for a client) is not allowed on any machine connected to the Enet network (including your own) without express permission of Enet.

Such servers constitute a breach of security and are grounds for loss of network privileges for the person(s) and machine(s) involved.

In addition - Un-approved services being supplied to machines OUTSIDE of our network - may result in the machine being immediatly cut off without any warning, as these are a security threat to OTHER machines on our network. This particularly applies to Any form of desktop sharing (which in many cases may also be a violation of many software license agreements).

Secure Passwords

To maintain system security, users are expected to maintain secure passwords to their accounts
(you are not to give your password to anyone - not even the Enet Staff).
NEVER SEND ANY ACCOUNT PASSWORD (nor any other sensitive personal information) VIA E-MAIL - e-mail is NEVER secure.
Enet reserves the right to occasionally check the system for insecure passwords.

It is very important to choose good passwords, For more information see the Choosing and Changing Passwords page.

Home directory permissions

To maintain system security, your home directory and any files/directories in it, must not be world or group writeable. Files in your home directory writable by others is grounds for account deactivation.

Additionally, users are expected to respect the privacy of other users. Even if another user's directory is set such that you are able to read their files, that does not give you permission to actually read those files unless the owner of the files has given you explicit permission to do so.

Along these lines, if you have any sensitive information of a personal or academic nature (i.e. homework assignments, letters to girlfriends, email, etc.), you should make sure this information is not world-readable. For information on setting permissions, please read the 'chmod' man page on any Unix system (use the command "man chmod").

Reading Your Mail:

You are required to read email sent to your @aem.umn.edu, @me.umn.edu or @ie.umn.edu account.
You may do this by forwarding it to your @umn.edu email address (done automatically for new accounts).
See: Reading and Sending Email via Enet Servers

Neglected Terminals/Consoles

For YOUR security, and the security of your account, it is our policy that users logged on to a console should not leave for more than 5 to 10 minutes without locking the console. If you come up to our office for help - please log out or lock the console first.

.rhosts/.shosts files (and the like):

Enet machines do not support .rhosts files.
Creating a .rhosts or a .shosts file in your home directory is a very bad idea. Users are encouraged to look at the Secure Shell (ssh) for similar functionality.

Do Not Service nor Configure Enet Managed Machines

The only people who should be servicing, changing wires or configuring Enet Managed computers are Enet Staff

If you see ANYONE other than Enet Staff Servicing, Configuring, Disconnecting, or inappropriately making changes to any Enet Managed machine, please contact Enet immediately so Enet may take appropriate measures.

Do Not Use Local Drives for Permanent Storage

Warning about File Storage on Local Drives (like /scratch).