Access to Software on SU from AD attached, SELF-Managed Windows Machines
This access is ONLY allowed for machines OWNED BY THE UNIVERSITY (AEM and ME).
These instructions apply to AD attached Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 Machines only.
None of this software will be installed on your machine - you will be running it from a network share.
You WILL NOT get access to any Licensed Adobe Software through this method (nor any Adobe software for installation on your machine's hard drive).
You WILL NOT get access to any Licensed Microsoft Software through this method (nor any Microsoft software for installation on your machine's hard drive)
Your machine must be have an ENET assigned IP address and be attached to UofM Active Directory (
otherwise you will not be able to access su.
(Wireless connections and VPN connections CANNOT be used to access SU software).
E-mail Enet
and let us know you need to use these programs.
Include the registered DNS name of the machine and its IP address in your request.
This access is restricted to University owned (AEM and ME) machines only.
Run this test to verify your machine is working correctly (if it fails you cannot continue):
Click Start->Run
then type \\ in the run box.
Click Ok.
This should open a connection to su (You will have an empty folder)
If the above succeeds - do the following to set your machine up to use the programs from the network.
Contact Enet for help with setting up your environment (we are still working on instructions)
After the environment is set up:
Find the file: C:\bin\ver\config\r_install_userinit.bat
Right Click on it and choose "run as administrator"
(Windows XP choose "run AS" and select an administrator account).
Log out
Log in as YOURSELF
Click Start->Run
then type sup simple in the run box.
If it asks you if you really want to run this - Click Ok.
Press "Y" if you see: Do you wish to continue anyway [N,Y]?
In the menu that opens select (Press "L"):
L = Update ENET menu (user)
This will create link files you can use in your personal Start Menu under an ENET folder.
Note: When you use one of the Enet links (make sure you have sent the e-mail noted above),
you have set up everything correctly if the program starts OR you get a message:
APPLICATION (?????????)
is NOT AVAILABLE to You (?????????) on this computer (?????????)