* Add specification for the project (name, description ...)
* Add different human with name, function and contacts
* Change some icons and colors :-)
* Comment on code source are in English
* Possibility of direct interaction with mouse to the duration, the start date and
the depends of the task
* Use dash vertical line at begin and end of project.
* Add an option to print the project (very good....)
* Add a blue bar on the current day.
* Add 4 granularity levels more.
* Spanish language add by Juan Rey (juanrey@inicia.es)
* Add wheel mouse action on the calendar and moving with click.
* Modify Save option to Save and Save as options.
* Can't edit the begin of a mother task.
* Automatic extension at the end of file (*.gan) if the user forget it.
* Correction of the graphic bug with meeting point task.
* Edit the bug of the sub tasks on the calendar.
* Best viewing when the scrollbar on the tree move.
* Add multi-language (English and French).
* Change the format of the save file.
* Add granularity and different viewer mode (week, month, year)
* Add selector of date.
* Add an option of notes for the task.
* Can save the project on a file.
* View all tasks and depends.
* Can edit the state of advancement of the task.