Available E-Mail Lists

Most Email lists are Run by the University - see:
Information on @umn.edu Mailing Lists (Google Groups)

Enet runs the Majordomo e-mail list manager.
Here is the official
Majordomo documentation.

Posting a Message to a List

To post a message to one of the Enet e-mail lists, send your message to {listname}@me.umn.edu. Your message will then be resent to all the members of that list.

Subscribing/Unsubscribing to Enet Lists

All interaction with Majordomo is done through email messages. In general, to subscribe to a list (if it is open subscription), send an email message to:
with a message body of:
subscribe {listname}.

To unsubscribe, do the same thing, except send a message body of:
unsubscribe {listname}.

Creating New E-Mail Lists

We recommend that you create a Google Group.
Information on @umn.edu Mailing Lists (Google Groups)

If you really need to have an enet e-mail list created, please contact Enet.
Details on how to contact Enet are available on the:
Enet Staff Page.