% Make a time vector with sampling of 100 Hz
time = 0:.01:5;

% Make sine waves of different frequencies
wavea = 5*sin(1*time*2*pi);
waveb = 1*sin(5*time*2*pi);
wavec = wavea + waveb;

% Plot the sine waves and save
ylabel('Wave Magnitude')
xlabel('Time (seconds)')
print -deps run1.eps

% Take Fourier Transform of the sine waves
ffta = fft(wavea,512);
fftb = fft(waveb,512);
fftc = fft(wavec,512);

% Make a frequency vector based on 100 Hz sampling
omega = 0:50/256:50-1/256;

% Plot the Fourier Transform and save
	axis([0 10 0 1500])
	xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
	axis([0 10 0 1500])
	xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
	axis([0 10 0 1500])
	xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
print -deps run2.eps

% Save the data
save run.mat