Babel Error Reports 10 March 1999 ERROR REPORTS Before you report an error please check that: * The error has not already been reported. If you have WWW access, you can search the LaTeX bugs database using this URL: * The error is not caused by software other than the Babel software that is produced and maintained by me (please report problems with other software to the authors or suppliers of that software). * The error is not caused by using an obsolete version of any file or of other software. * You are using the original version of all files, not one that has been modified elsewhere. If you think you have found a genuine bug in a recent version of the Babel software please report it in the same way as bugs for LaTeX2e are reported: * Prepare a *short* test file that clearly demonstrates your problem; see below for a discussion of `short'. * Run this file through latex to obtain the transcript file (often .log) since you will need to submit this file also. * Generate a bug report template by running the file latexbug.tex through LaTeX2e. * Fill in the spaces in the generated template file. * Include all necessary information, especially a complete input file, a complete transcript file, and all other files used (if they are not standard). Please check carefully to ensure that any non-standard files are essential to the bug; and remember that I cannot debug files not supplied by me. Any such non-standard files should be included in a `filecontents' environment at the start of your input file. * Please note that it is important to make the input file as small as possible since this will enable me to find and fix the error quickly. It also helps me because then I can often use it as test file for future releases. I would expect most files to be less than 60 lines, and very rarely to be longer than 100 lines. This can often be achieved by defining a command to be some arbitrary text and using this several times if it is necessary to generate longer bits of text. Error reports concerning UNCHANGED versions of Babel files should be sent by E-mail to: --- Copyright 1999 Johannes Braams. All rights reserved ---