vi Editor FAQ

0.1 - Index

0.0 - Introduction -- How do I use this FAQ?
0.1 - Index
0.2 - Can I distribute this FAQ?
0.3 - What can you do to help out with this faq?
1.0 - What is vi?
1.1 - What is the big deal about vi? Why does anyone use it? More importantly, why should *I* use it?
1.2 - Wow! This sounds great! Is there any reason not to use vi?
1.3 - What different operating systems is vi available for?
1.4 - Okay, you've convinced me. I'm going to learn vi. Where do I start?
1.5 - What are some of the vi clones that are available?
2.0 - Learning vi.
2.1 - What games will help me learn vi?
2.2 - What is the difference between Command mode & Insert mode?
2.3 - Wait, my keyboard doesn't have a key! What should I do?
2.4 - What are all of those ~s?
2.6 - How do I quit without saving?
2.7 - How do I insert a file?
2.8 - How do I search for text?
2.9 - How do I search for a control sequence?
2.10 - How do I reformat text?
2.11 - How do I copy text?
2.12 - Ahhhh!!! I just hit dG and lost my dissertation! What can I do? (Or, I've just made a mistake, what should I do?)
2.13 - I've just written my dissertation and have been told that I need to have each section in a different file, what should I do?
2.14 - What's the deal with all of these : commands?
3.1 - How do I run a program from within vi?
3.2 - Ahhh!! I was writing my dissertation, and the computer crashed!
3.3 - Any tips for making vi programmer friendly?
3.4 - Macros -- How do I write them?
3.5 - How do I make a function key a Macro?
3.6 - Is there anyway to abbreviate text?
3.7 - How do I spell check the current document?
3.8 - I've got a hardcopy terminal, can I still use vi?
3.9 - Oh, okay, is THAT what open mode is? But I don't have a hardcopy terminal, and it still starts in open mode!
4.0 - What's online at the vi archives?

5.0 - Silly vi tricks, and silly macros

5.1 - Silly vi tricks
5.2 - Silly macros
6.0 - Alphabetical vi quick reference
6.1 - Command mode input options ( : commands)
6.2 - set options
7.0 - Setting up .exrc file
7.1 - Sample .exrc file
8.0 - Bugs in vi

9.0 - Glossary of terms

10.0 - Bibliography of Books that cover vi

This HTML version of the vi Faq was compiled by Baruch Promislow of Macom Networking LTD.

(C)opyright, E. Larry Lidz, 1994, 1995. All Rights Reserved.